We didn’t discover the Guardian Football pod until just after WC2010, and didn’t become a GFOP until 2012. Those two are now top our to-listen lists on a weekly basis throughout the year (and have been in daily rotation over the past month), and we regret we didn’t start listening to them earlier.
The latest podcast discovery that we regret we didn’t come across earlier: we came across Howler Magazine‘s podcast (Howler Radio, but cross-posted to Slate’s HUAL for the WC) until yesterday.
Here is their last episode, which in addition to regular David Goldblatt (author of “The Ball is Round” and most recently “Futebol Nation: The Story of Brazil through Soccer“), host George Quraishi talks to New School professor Sean Jacobs about the African teams/FAs in this Cup (Jacobs is founder of the blog Africa Is a Country, a subblog of which is Football Is a Country):
On today’s episode of Howler Magazine’s Dummy, David Goldblatt, Danny Karbassiyoon, and George Quraishi discuss Dutch diving, conflicts faced by African teams, whether crowds are representative of Brazil’s typical soccer-watching demographics, and more.
Their magazine is also a nice piece of work. They’re up to their 5th episode, after launching a couple years ago via a Kickstarter campaign. Take a look at their back issues here.