

World Cup 2014: The Ads

June 6, 2014 — by Suman


Generally we’re skeptical of modern corporate football, but the marketing creatives are good at what they do. These ads–which are really short films–are getting us hyped for the tournament to begin:
The new 5min Beats video (AdWeek: “Did Beats by Dre Just Out-Nike Nike With This Incredible World Cup Ad?“):


The Nike one, which you’ve prob seen since it came out at the end of April (via AdWeek: “Nike Reaches High and Low in Perfectly Gleeful 4-Minute World Cup Spot”):

In contrast with those cameos by current stars, this ESPN ad features a bunch of historical “cameos”:

Another ESPN segment–trying to get the the US public to believe in the USMNT:

Finally, Nike does a fun one featuring the host country’s celebrated Seleção–“Dare to be Brasilian”:


Tuhon 2010 – Be the Reds! #KOR

June 26, 2010 — by Suman2

via YouTube – Nike Tuhon 2010, where the description reads:

This is the movie Nike Korea produced for their Korea National Soccer Team. It’s about Korean traditional fighting spirit, Tuhon.
Below, I put the English translation what you see in the movie. Quite a piece, I think.

Forget Your Name.
Tear out your name on your back.
Just remember TUHON on your heart.
People would tremble by the name of KOREA .
People would fear at the RED jersey that you wear.
Feel the 23 TUHONs linked to your heart.
Rule every moment with TUHON.